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Germany had a very powerful Navy during World War One, because their U-Boats (Submarines) were the most efficient and they were the first to make them. And so they had lots of U-Boats which gave them an advantage. Arguably Germany had the strongest Navy in both World Wars. (1 and 2)

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it was believed to be Britain's navy

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Q: What country had the largest navy in world war 1?
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Your Country's Navy is the best in the World.But by sheer numbers power-projection and Sailors.The biggest Navy is the USN bigger than the next 13 largest combined.

Who has the Worlds Largest Navy world war 1?

The British: The Royal Navy.

What country had the best navy in World War 1?

The British Royal Navy.

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Not a simple answer. Russia was the largest Allied country, population, & army when WW1 started, however it collapsed because of the 1917 Communist Revolution, and German victories. It was defeated before the war ended. The United States was the largest Allied country & population when the war ended, however the large US Army was not yet fully mobilized and in France to fight when the war ended. France was the Allied country with the largest army in the war zone when the war ended. Great Britain was the Allied country with largest navy, the United States had the second largest navy (not all in the war zone).

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The largest ARMY was the Union, in America. The largest MILITARY force was Britain, mainly because of it's navy.

How did the Canadian Navy contribute during World War 1?

as i remember it was around between 5000 and 20000 soldiers

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