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Greece was in a civil war between government and British troops against communist guerrilas.

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Q: What country in Europe did a civil war erupt in between the communists and royalist following World War 2?
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What areas of Vietnam and Korea did the communists control?

In 1948 in Korea, the Communists controlled the northern half of the country and the US-Allied Capitalist Dictators controlled the southern half of the country. After the Korean War in 1953, this situation was preserved. In the 1980s, the Capitalist Dictators in the south gave way to a democracy.In 1954 in Vietnam, the Communists controlled the northern half of the country and the US-Allied Capitalist Dictators controlled the southern half of the country. After the Vietnam War in 1975, the Communists were able to unite the entire country and remain in power to this day.