.de is the country code top-level domain for the Federal Republic of Germany.
Cebu was ruled by Rajah Tupas when Miguel Lopez de Legaspi and his men revisited Cebu in the hope of pacifying the natives and eventually controlling the country.
Camp is usually an English surname name taken from the Old English "kemp", for a "fighter" or "soldier."It can also be an Anglicization of the Dutch surname Van de Kamp, meaning "from the field."
Jimble de dable de
to south America
Adolf Hitler was actually played up to be a hero in his own country. The only reason he got support in the first place was by de-humanizing Jews, Gypsies, disabled people, homosexuals, Jehova's witnesses, and many other political or religious groups and claiming that by cleansing Germany of them, the country would rise to power. Everybody who wasn't helping the cause was usually killed.
De un país de= from a country ofDel país de = from the country of
What country in Eurpoe has the initials DE
de un país de México= from a country of Mexico del pais de Mexico = from the country of Mexico
Rio De Janeiro is in a country in Brazil.
Rio de janeiro is not a Country it is an Estate of Brazil.
Ponce de Leon's country was Spain.
"de" is the country code. For instance: www.google.de </ A> </ FONT>
which country was jose the escardon from
DE is the abbreviation for Germany, which in German is called "Deutschland". So the abbreviation "DE" comes from the first two letters of the German name for their country.
Alonso de Leon was from Mexico.
'the country of' is 'le pays de...' in French.
Samuel de Champlain\'s country was France. He was born in La Rochelle, Aunis, France.