No Other. American principles are God given embracing Judeo /Christain values honoring man's rights of freedom and respect for life embodied in the American Declaration of Independence. American laws are patterned after British Laws, but lacking the power of the throne and replacing it with the power of the individual.Type your answer here...
Costa Rica is the only Latin American country with no standing army.
american solidiers fought for our country
Some historians and critics believe Dewey was more interested in adapting children to a state dominated society than to true education. They believed he modeled an American classroom that diminished the teaching of the classics, rejected the teachings of logic and rhetoric and preferred experience over debate.
I think that they defended their country.
Japan was the country that attacked the American bases and shipping at Pearl Harbour.
The Articles of Confederation was modeled after the Iroquois league.
South Korea
The Brazilian Legal System is, by and large, modeled on the Civil Law System of Portugal, which in turn was modeled on the Napoleonic Code from France.
The European Red Cross.
french revolution documents
Great Britain.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was modeled after the Declaration of Independence.
pay taxes and obey the law
Britain, and they made the first design of it type.
The colonists modeled their country from England
Peter the Great believed that education and trade (modeled on the Western European formula) would transform his country.
Japan modeled its new capital, Tokyo, after the city of Paris in France. This influence can be seen in Tokyo's urban planning, architecture, and boulevards.