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Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland did not fight in the war, send troops or get involved in a big way because they were neutral nations. They did help with escapees and evaders. The Swiss let Hitler put money in their banks and valuables too. They allowed Nazis to vacation in Switzerland. Sweden helped 700 Jews escape from Denmark. Spain allowed the downed airmen and Jews escape through their country. Ireland allowed training of the allied troops and storage of planes and ships.

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Q: What country stayed out of World War 2?
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Ireland stayed a neutral country.

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Switzerland,Sweden and Spain

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The ones who stayed alive

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Stayed in the kitchen.

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No, he stayed at home.

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They stayed at home.

Who stayed neutral in World War 2?

Switzerland ,Spain ,Portugal, Sweden,

What country did you fight in World War 2?

Depending on who you are you fought in World War 2. World War

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Switzerland and Sweden.

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