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Q: What country that was neutral in World War 2 was not over run by Germany?
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Why was Sweden not taken over during World War 2?

Sweden was neutral during the war, but agreed to most demands from Nazi Germany, such as troop transport through the country.

Is Germany a third world country?

Hitler is rolling over in his grave...

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No. Adolf Hitler took over the country and the people.

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The entire world, so to speak.

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He was determined to make Germany the most powerful country in the world, by taking over and ruling other countries, as an addition to Germany.

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Germany. however there are tons of stories almost exactly like it taking place all over the world, stories over 1000's of years old.

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Russia occupied the Eastern Zone of Germany after the World War and eventually took it over under the communist regime of the USSR.

What were the three northern countries that attempted to remain neutral during World War II?

Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Sweden was the only country in Europe, along with Switzerland, that was not taken over by the Nazis. Norway was invaded by Germany, and Finland was invaded by the Soviet Union.

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Well, in World War II, Japan was allied with the Germans, as Germany wanted to take over the world in that time to have full absolute power over everybody, but they needed help to do so. Germany then allied with Japan...

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