The British Empire in the Americas had lost their supply routes, and were stranded, so the Americans had the advantage. They drove the British out, but with heavy losses. 25,000 Americans lost their lives in the process. The British lost 5,000 men.
The Revolutionary War was an astounding occurrence in a world sill dominated by kings. It established the first important republic since Rome in the middle of what at the time was a wilderness far from Europe. It was a war that the British could have easily avoided had King George and his advisors been willing to show the least flexibility. Many in Britain objected to the War and a minority of Americans wanted independence at the time the war began. It was also a war that the American colonists won by the slimmest of margins against the most powerful country in the world. The Americans succeeded in their struggle only because they were aided by a French king who was opposed to offering the same liberties to his people that the Americans were demanding from their king. The American Revolution is a struggle that has been somewhat lost as a result of the much greater scholarly interest in America on the Civil War. As a result, most American's view the war through simplistic primary school readings which obscure the tremendously complicated course of events that led to the War and creation of America. English scholars, perhaps because Britain lost the War, have given it almost no scholarly attention.
The United States of America won/drew the Revolutionary War with the help of France,Spain,Dutch Republic and the British (Yes the British also helped the US)
Americas 1st Army was set up during the Revoloutionary War,it was set up trained and led by British troops who had turned on their own country.
Also the Revoloutionary War "Officialy ended" with the singing of the Treaty Of Paris. British people held mass protests in Britain and demanded their King sign the Treaty Of Paris end the War and Bring their troops back home and give America back their independance,the King signed it and officialy ended the war.
Many Historians world wide have diffrent opinions on if the Revoloutionary War was a win or a draw because of the British King officialy ending the war by signing the treaty and the fact that the War was technicaly Brits VS Brits anyway.
The American Revolutionary War In 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the war and recognized the sovereignty of the United States over the territory bounded by what is now Canada to the north,Florida to the south, and the Mississippi River to the west.
The Revolutionary War, also known as the American Revolution (1775-1783)
we won the revolutionary war by defeting the british!!!!!!!
The North won the CIVIL war, the revolutionary war was won by America, but having lost a huge amount of men and resources the French came to save them from Britain. At Yorktown 11,000 French troops re-enforced 5,500 American troops.
The Americans...which became the United States.
George Washington was leading general who won the Revolutionary War for the colonists.
The United States of America won and became a separate country.
The British won the revolutionary war!
America did win their Revolutionary War, or what is called "the War of Independence".
The country that helped America in the American War of Independence is France.
so then who won
After the Revolutionary War America won freedom from Britain.
Revolutionary War, in which the USA won its independence from Britain.
the u.s. side fought great Britain and the us won
The Americans won
That would be the revolutionary war. That was the war in which the U. S. won it's independence from Great Britain.