Russian Side: The Russian General chose to pull back a little once winter came about so he could let the Russian Winter do its damage to the Nazis. Excellent decision on his part. The Nazis started starving and freezing to death. He also managed to get ships and planes sunk so the Nazis could not resupply their men in Stalingrad. He also had some units of his army take out the Nazi force sent to relieve the Nazi forces in Stalingrad. So The Russian General (whose name I cannot spell!) Zhukov I guess it is, did another brilliant move. He surrounded the entire Nazi Force.
German Side: Adolf Hitler of the demise of his force. He ordered them not to retreat or withdraw. Lousy decision considering his forces became surrounded and they did not have winter clothing, food or ammo. He promised to send a relief force who were stalled by Winter mud and snow. So the poor Nazis were stuck, surrounded and dying off by the thousands each day. As they sat around freezing, unable to fight, the Russians would just walk up to their encampment and just toss in grenades. The Russians had a great laugh over that!
When Hitler was told he had to send clothing, ammo, food, medicine or get his people out of there he just yelled at his generals and told them the army had to keep fighting to the death. He simply could not understand or cared that his men would die from exposure to 20 below zero temperatures. The General finally surrendered to the Russians in hopes of getting his men food, clothes and warmth. No such luck. They were made to march to Siberia.
1.) What happened: "The Luftwaffe-German air force- prepared the way with nightly bombing raids over the city. Nearly every wooden building in Stalingrad was set ablaze. The situation looked so desperate that Soviet officers in Stalingrad recommended blowing up the city's factories and abandoning the city." (page 777)
Stalin's decision(aka. the answer): "A furious Stalin ordered them to defend his namesake city no matter what the cost."
"By the end of September, they controlled nine-tenths of the city-or what was left of it. Then another winter set in. The Soviets saw the cold as an opportunity to roll fresh tanks across the frozen landscape and begin a massive counterattack. The Soviet army closed around Stalingrad, trapping the Germans in and around the city and cutting off their supplies." (777)
IN THE END: "In defending Stalingrad, the Soviets lost a total of 1,100,000 soldiers-more than all American deaths during the entire war. Despite the staggering death toll, the Soviet victory marked a turning point in the war. From that point on, the Soviet army began to move westward toward Germany." (777)
Hitler's decision: "The Germans' situation was hopeless, but Hitler's orders came: 'Stay and fight! I won't go back from the Volga.'"
The final outcome and impact of the Civil War was to destroy the ambition of the South to create for itself a new, independent nation, which at the same time cemented the "indissolubility" of the Union which had been created during the American War of Independence. Equally important, the Civil War led to the abolition of slavery in the United States, which was one important (if not final) step towards the establishment of the truly democratic republic of free peoples envisioned by the founders of the country.
During World War II, the immediate outcome of 'Operation Overlord,' as the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, was called, was the securing of a beach-head in Europe for the Allies. Considered less immediately, the operation led to the breakout of powerful Allied armies into the interior of France and then, months later, the final surrender of Germany.
Communist North Vietnam successfully re-united with it's southern half, creating one communist Vietnam country.Unification forthe country of Vietnam.
The final stage of the Final Solution consisted of gassing, shootings, killing two-thirds of European Jewry.-----There's some confusion in the question. The Final Solution was the final stage of Nazi persecution of the Jews. See related question below.
During World War II, "Operation Overlord" was the amphibious assault by Allied troops upon the beaches of Normandy in northern France. Taking place in June 1944, this successful operation had numerous positive outcomes, foremost of which was the final destruction of Germany's military power and a victorious conclusion to the war for the Allies.France was liberated from Nazi rule.
Simulation in business decisions refers to making prototype decisions and testing their outcome in the actual business environment before final implementation.
After all th opinions have been written and finalized, the justices announced their final decisions. The decisions are from the majority vote of the justices
Battle of Stalingrad.
Battle of Stalingrad.
It is a concurring opinion. If there is no disagreement with the basis, the justice is included in the "majority opinion." In some cases, concurring opinions can become plurality decisions.
The outcome
The solution of the story refers to the part of the narrative where the main conflict is resolved or the outcome of the plot is revealed. It is when all loose ends are tied up, questions are answered, and the final outcome of the story is determined.
Answer this question… Making final decisions
what imporytant battle in 1781 decided the final outcome of the revolutionary war
The final outcome was the North defeating the South in the Civil War and ending slavery in America and ending segregation.
The final outcome was the North defeating the South in the Civil War and ending slavery in America and ending segregation.