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Sieg Heil is a German phrase, which means Hail Victory

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Q: What did Adolf Hitler always say. Zekile?
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How do you say i am Hitler in German?

Ich bin Adolf Hitler.

Did Hitler say war is not about the right it is about the victory?

Yes adolf hitler did in Black ops 1 ;-)

Is it true adolf Hitler was gay?

people say that Hitler killed gays but really he took them in for himself

How do you say and bye-bye in Poland?

They were to afraid af Adolf Hitler to say anything when he invaded them. >:(

Who is the most famous conqueror in the world?

The answer to this question cannot be a fact, it is merely an opinion. I would have to say either Napoleon Bonaparte or Adolf Hitler. The answer is most likely Adolf Hitler.

Did Adolf Hitler say ask not what you can do for your self but what you can do for your country?

No it was john f. kennedy

Did Einstein say the world should be run by the smartest people?

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I say Simon because must people sit in front of the tv watching him. Wonder if people do the same w

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It is difficult to say who was the most infallible out of the people below Adolf Hitler. One can argue that none were infallible, as all eventually were punished for their crimes.

What was Adolf Hitler's father's profession?

To say sorry after his mistake he made at his son birth

Who is a famous world figure that made a lot of impact?

I would say Adolf Hitler.

Who is the most brutal person ever lived?

Some could say that is was Adolf Hitler, others could say that it was Saddam Hussein, others may say other people. Josef Stalin, he killed roughly twenty million people, thirteen million more than Adolf Hitler. Save