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They fought against the USSR. The Cold War was a war in which the USSR and The USA each sought to prove their individual dominance and the dominance of their ideologies (Communism and Capitalism respectively). This war was fought in countless fields - proxy wars being the most publised form of conflict but followed closely by the arms race, the space race and comparing their economies. The American government supported the South Vietnamese in the Vietnam War, they introduced the Marshall plan which simply bribe European countries to adopt capitalist regimes in exchange for money and other aid etc. The American government was very involved in the Cold War and took part in many conflicts of interest (Germany, Cuba, Poland etc.) This is a very simple explanation of what the American government did in the war, but they basically retalliated to any thing the USSR did and also acted first in trying to prove their dominance.

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The US was the leader in making the decisions on how, when and where to fight communist expansion.

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Q: What did America do in the Cold War?
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The process was the cold war.

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No change; the cold war was still on.

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Actually, America's longest period of sustained economic growth happened between 1945 and 1965 - all Cold War years. America didn't have a bad time during the Cold War; the opposite was the truth.

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Yes, the cold war was America's interest.

Who were the Leaders during the cold war?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in charge of America during the Cold War.