Hitler promise the Middle Class of Germany to restore the profits of small business and the value of savings, to end the Communist threat.
Hitler promised the Germans:a life within a strong army, making their lives betterhe promised more jobs to provided (He created jobs for the German population by massively expanding the transport routes like highways)he also recruited a huge amount of Germans for the army.Hope this helps :)
It's not really a matter of realisation. Hitler gained all that power and support because he offered hopes to German people when there were none, through his proposal of the Twenty-five points. And people only realised it when it's too late, because they believed and trust Hitler and worshipped him and thought he had the power to make Germany a stronger country. People just blindly followed him because he offered them hopes and promises. And this is why: He offered something for every social class of Germans during their worst time (e.g. The Great Depression and he used the horrible living condition under the Weimar government), these social classes includes middle-class and industrialist and business men, working class and even ex-soldiers. He offered middle-class and industrialist and business men that he will restore the economy of the country, as seen in no. 16 'We demand the creation and support of a healthy middle class', and the middle-class Germans were in no position to refuse an offer like that during the Wall Street Crisis which has cause them to lose their jobs; And on the other hand, Hitler successfully convinced the industrialists and businessmen that in order for them to be wealthy, which is the objective all business men and industries are aiming for, to generate wealth, that in order to do that, they must support his political philosophy and ruling of a totalirianism/Nazi society, in other words, they must live by and obey and accept the Nazi ideology. Here, the business men and industrialist believed in him and worshipped him because they thought he will have to power to achieve their dreams and help them. Hitler also appealed to the ex-soldiers from WW1 by promising to restore Germany's pride by destroying the Treaty of Versailles, which is something that was shameful for Germany. But the treaty were especially disliked by the soldiers. So why did Germany dislike the treaty so much? Because they lost a lot of their lands and military power, and most importantly, their national pride, because by signing the treaty (although Ebert really had no choice but to sign it...), they automatically admitted to starting the war, and take all the blame for it, when really, the war was triggered by lots of reasons. So, the ex-soldiers supported Hitler because he offered to restore Germany's pride and to correct the damages done by Ebert and Weimar government and the "November criminals". Many of those who bothered to read Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (published in 1925) realized straight away that Hitler was "not a good guy".
There was only one political party in Germany from 1933 onwards, and that was the NSDAP, or Naz party. As soon as Hitler had been invited to be head of the German Parliamemt, or Reichstag, by the Centerist party leader, Papen, who hoped to manipulate Hitler, and through him the working class and increasing middle class vote, Hitler and his acyolotes threw off the shackles of democracy and banned all other political parties on the basis that Germany needed an period of emergency government, and that to do this, the NAZIs needed sole authority to act. Hitler quickly brought in laws which relegated Jews to the status of subjects as opposed to citizens, and banned all other political parties, notably the SPD and the KPD, both left wing parites, that combined, could have been a majority. Their leaders were arrested and mostly executed.
They had absolute power. Anyone who opposed them was in prison or dead. Michael Montagne Hitler has to be viewed in context to the recent history of Germany at the time. Germany was formed after a succession of conflicts and alliances between neighboring states including wars with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and with France in 1871. World War I was a reaction to the creation of this militaristic state in the centre of Europe that threatened the status of Britain and France. Following the defeat of the Central Powers in World War I, Germany and Austria had lost most of the power and status that they had. Hitler simply promised to restore that power and status and the influential military class thought that they could use him to that end and then restore themselves as the leaders of the country. Hitler's talent was in promising everybody what they most wanted and playing them into thinking that they were playing him.
He received the Iron Cross, second class and the Iron Cross, first class during WW1.
That he would help the economy get better
They were middle class.
No, he came from a middle-class family.
to lower taxes for middle class
He was middle-class, a civil servant.
It was a campaign promise that he made, and he kept it with two tax cuts that mainly benefited the middle class.
Well hitler was middle class before he came into power so he sorta set the trend?
Most definately the average worker did as Germany was in huge debt and hardly and middle and lower class citizens had much money at all and they believed Hitler would bring Germany back to the way it was before the war.
His dad was a civil servant and was a middle-class man.
The upper class makes up 12% of the economy in Germany. The middle class make up about 75%. The lower class makes up a little more than 12%.
To lower taxes for the middle class
After Hitler came to power, he and his close officers made certain things mandatory. Taking an oath and full support to the Nazi party was mandatory. The general populace, whether they agreed with the policies or not, were in fear for their lives if they did not outwardly show absolute support for the party.