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John Brown was not in favor of slavery. Brown was might be called a radical anti slavery abolitionist. He actually created a conspiracy to begin a slave rebellion in the South. The famous Afro American scholar, Frederick Douglas even visited Brown to hear about Brown's idea to begin a slave revolt. Douglas tried to convince Brown not to carry out his plan and instead create a haven for runaway slaves.

The two men could not agree and Douglas never took part in any violent type of action.

Brown did. He was funded by radical anti slavery groups in the North and under an assumed name bought a farm to have that become his headquarters. Brown had plotted a slave revolution for years. He and approximately 20 or so fellow believers took over the Federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry. His fellows then went about the countryside trying to recruit slaves to his revolution. That was a failure.

Before too long the US Army retook the arsenal and captured Brown who was charged with treason, a questionable charge by the Governor of Virginia, but ether way Brown was doomed as several Virginians were killed and capturing a government arsenal was treason. He was executed in 1859.

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While living in Kansas Brown and his sons murdered several slave owners, hacking them to death with bladed weapons, for doing what was perfectly legal at the time - owning slaves. Then Brown came east and planned and led an attack on one of the two US government arsenals, that produced weapons for the military, the one at Harpers Ferry (now West) Virginia. Brown hoped to be able to steal enough weapons in this attack to arm slaves, whom he hoped to induce to run away and join with him in murdering additional slave owners.

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Who? Did he have a top hat and a weird beard? Is his nickname honest Abe? Is he on Mt. Rushmore? I'll give you a hint. It's ABE Lincoln

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Q: What did John Brown do to work against slavery?
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What was the Southern reaction to the North claiming that John Brown was a hero?

The United States was already deeply divided over pro and anti slavery ideologies. John Brown's militant stance and failed effort to steal weapons and mount a slave insurrection, while glorified by such a champion of civil unrest as Henry David Thoreau, who believed Brown's execution would elicit a rallying cry from all abolitionists, some well known abolitionist leaders like William Lloyd Garrison decried the action as the work of a misguided lunatic. However, almost universally in the south, the belief was that all northerners agreed with Brown's actions and were actively plotting their demise.

How did northerners and southerners view john brown?

Generally speaking, John Brown and his conspirators committed treason against the US by his actions of taking over the US arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Even anti slavery activists like Frederick Douglas, who knew of the plan wanted no part of it. For some extremists, the deemed Brown a martyr for the anti slavery movement. Few Americans, whether in the South or the North wished to see a bloody slave revolt.

How was James armistead freed from slavery?

James Armistead was freed from slavery from the Virgina Council because of his work in during the American Revolution.

Are you with or against working women?

are you for or against women's work

How did the Holocaust effect slavery?

the holocaust really didn't effect slavery and besides slavery was before the wiki answers is not accurate for all you people looking at this...sry but it isn't.While the Holocaust took place way after slavery was established in most countries, it did not effect slavery unless you count that concentration camps, it was either work for free under harsh conditions, or die, so the prisoners were actually slaves if you think about it.

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What did Frederick Douglas do to work against slavery?

he wrote about his life and gave speeches

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Wrote about his life and gave speeches

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He wrote about his life and gave speeches

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John A. Brown has written: 'Handbook of social work practice' -- subject(s): Social service

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William Lloyd Garrison asked people who are against slavery to actively work towards its abolition by speaking out against it, promoting equality for all individuals, and supporting anti-slavery movements and organizations.

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They were upset because he was against slavery which was the south's mean of economy. They relayed on slavery to work on the plantation.

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North was against slavery, and south wanted more slavery. south wanted more slavery so they could work on the cotton fields. if more people work on cotton fields the south would have more money.

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Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison helped the anti-slavery movement in the US based upon his publishing and speeches against slavery. His was one of the most prominent persons in the early 1800's that voiced a protest against the institution of slavery.