He (his troops under his permission) burned the city, torched crops, looted civilian residences, and wrecked general havoc on the city.
The Confederate city of Atlanta was captured by US General Sherman in September of 1864. He made Atlanta his headquarters for about 2 months then left to complete his march to the sea and captured the seaport of Savannah. Most of Atlanta except for hospitals was severely damaged by fires set by his Union troops. The major part of the civilian population had been evacuated before the fires.
General Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army advanced from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Atlanta, Georgia. After victory in Atlanta, Sherman ordered the city's evacuation and burning in November 1864.
The short answer - almost every city he entered was laid waste before he left. With the exception of one city: Union, Mississippi. He respected the name of the city because it was named Union. He spared the city and even stayed in a hotel there. It is now a musuem.
Atlanta. Also Columbia, South Carolina - possibly accidental. (Edit) Atlanta
Sherman's army left Atlanta in two columns and destroyed everything in its path until it arrived at Savannah.
Major General Sherman left Atlanta on November 12, 1864. He left most of the city in flames which for many Southerners was an unnecessary act of war. Sherman had destroyed any railway systems in and around the city so that the Rebels could not use them with any degree of confidence. Sherman left Atlanta with an army of 62,000 soldiers and marched between Macon and Augusta Georgia. This confused the Rebels concerning his objectives.
The Union forces under General Sherman won the Battle of Atlanta. When General Hood left the area, he burned many buildings. When Sherman took over Atlanta, hundreds more businesses and homes were burnt.
If you don't count Sherman's illegal incursions into Cambodia, there were 73.
Sherman burned down Atlanta before starting his March to the Sea.
Ordered all buildings of military value to be burned down. But most of the city was in ruins by the time he left.
William T. Sherman
The main city captured by Sherman was Atlanta.