Thomas Paine, who also wrote the pamphlet "Common sense" to urge Colonists to join the Patriots. Also wrote article "the American cause" to life spirits up when losing the war.
Instigate-('in ste ga^-t) (v.) to urge on; to stir upFill-ins:They did their best to instigate a _________.They wanted to instigate the ________, but chose not to."Stop trying to instigate the ________!" Yelled _______.Why did they want to instigate the _______?
The quality that Grant had - an instinctive urge to pursue a beaten army and destroy it. When Grant's political enemies were trying to persuade Lincoln to fire him, Lincoln said "I can't spare this man. He fights."
the Anaconda Plan and Sherman's march both starved, not only soldiers, but also women and children to death. This had a dramatic psychological affect on southerners. It made them become even more furious and increased their urge for revenge and perhaps a future war, in order to get back at the Northerners.
Admiral Mahan urged the US to build a strong navy to protect its interests, specifically promoting the idea of naval power as a key factor in securing economic and military dominance on the world stage. He emphasized the importance of having a powerful navy to control sea routes, protect trade, and project power globally.
Type your answer here... Actively got involved in the first Persian Gulf War
To expan naval power to become a world power.
The point is respecting life, and the variety of life, and trying to mitigate the damage that we have done to environments and ecosystems. Just as we often feel an urge to protect children because they are unable to protect themselves, many also feel a similar urge to protect animals from harm and extinction.
he knew that the germans were making an atomic bomb.
The elders of Uruk urge Gilgamesh to treat his people with fairness and compassion, rather than with arrogance and cruelty. They advise him to uphold justice and protect the people of Uruk from harm.
Have your class write letters to local, state, and U.S. representatives to urge them to protect forests and other critical habitat areas.
To help US protect their good business relationship with Great Britain.
We urge you to put the gun down.She had a sudden urge to eat all of the chocolate cake.
The suffix of "urge" is "-e".
I felt the urge to smack him in the face.
Urge Overkill was created in 1986.