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they were trained to have and take care of children and they had to learn to cook. for every child they would have they would receive a medal.

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Q: What did girls do in Hitler youth?
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Did girls in Hitler Youth allowed to take the same course as the boys?

No, girls in the Hitler Youth were not allowed to take the same courses as the boys. They were given separate and specific training that focused on homemaking, motherhood, and preparing for their roles as future wives and mothers. The education for girls in the Hitler Youth emphasized traditional gender roles and domestic skills.

Did girls belong in hitlers youth?

No, only boys were involved in the Hitler Youth. Girls belonged tothe League of German Maidens.

What did girls do in the Hitler youth?

Girls did a lot of different thing like, 10 mile walks everyday, went into war, and Hitler paid some of the girls to have babies

Who were the people involved in the Hitler Youth?

The four organisations were the German Young People (Deutsches Jungvolk), the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend), the League of Young Girls (Jungmadelbund) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Madel). Boys joined the German Young People from the age of 10 until they were 14 when they joined the Hitler Youth. The girls joined the League of Young Girls at the age of 10 and at the age of 14 joined the League of German Girls.

Pictures of the signs hitler youth and germans girls league?

Just google 'Hitler youth pictures' or 'hitler jugend pictures' and 'bund deutscher mädel pictures' and you will find all the sites that have them.

How old was the Hitler youth?

Hitler Youth fell when Hitler fell.

What were the 2 youth group of the nazi party?

The Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) was divided into two groups : Deutsches Jungvolk) (German Young Folk) and Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, the League of German Girls) .

Hitler Youth Did girls belong to this group?

No, there was a separate branch for girls, the Bund Deutcsher Madel, the "League of German Maidens". It was a branch of the same organization.

What were the greatest complaints against Hitler youth?

There were a few things the Hitler youth did. The one thing that that Hitler youth did was go against their parents.

Who is the protagonist in the book Hitler Youth by susan campbell bartoletti?

There was no protagonist. Hitler Youth profiled multiple former-members of the Hitler Youth.

What was the lasting effect of Hitler's youth?

do you mean "Hitler Youth" or when Hitler was young, please be more specific

Where did Hitler Youth take place?

Hitler's youth took place in Austria.