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The British Army, during WW2, had a number of uniforms, for different uses.

The most common type was called "Battledress" and was worn in action. Made of wool with a colour that varied from soft brown to a darker shade of brown/green, which was suppossed to blend in with ground colours and grass.

The trousers were full cut with a button fly, two front and two rear pockets, and a large cargo pocket on the right thigh, for a map or a wound dressing. The jacket had a closed neck with flat metal buttons down the front, and a waist belt that was sewen into the lower part of the jacket to keep it closed up. There were buttons at the back of the jacket that buttoned onto the pants to keep the lower back covered . The front of the jacket had two large outer pockets, and two smaller inside pockets that had buttons to close them up.

Soldiers wore leather boots in a black colour, and their ankles were covered by a canvas wrap to keep stones and sand out of their boots. A series of webbing packs and ammo pouches and a waist belt that had a number of things attached to it, helped the soldier to carry important items on his body without needing to have them in his hands. He had a steel helmet to protect his head and he would have carried a personal weapon of some kind.

In winter cold he would have added more layers of clothing, and in the heat of summer, he would have switched to shorts and a short sleeve shirt to be cooler.

Soldiers have identifying unit insignia on their uniforms, as well as rank and trade badges, that show what they are trained to do and how far up the rank structure thay are . Officers uniforms were better made and of better quality material, as they bought their own uniforms, from a military tailor's shop.THe soldier's uniforms were factory made, and of poor quality cloth.

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14y ago
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13y ago

rags and cloth made by them

i don't know what they did wear. however, in pre-war times, the flappers were very popular. they wore knee length box-liked dresses that rid of the womenly shape. it was very scandelous to be wearing anything that showed skin before hand so they were coming out of their shells and tried to reject any Victorian ways. they were going out by themselves, smoking, drinking, and disregarding old manners. it was because World War I had hit Europe so hard they had no idea what to expect next. millions of people died and after that there was a world wide pandemic of the influenza virus that took out millions more. they decided to spend their lives how they wanted rather than having to stay constrained by old fashioned ways.I'm making an educated guess by saying they modernized the knee length dress by adding shape and body to the styles.

They wore unifoms

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13y ago

The evacuees in World War 2 wore

Grey/brown/ black skirt or pinafore dress

White/Cream/brown/grey plain or floral shirt

Jeans NOT jeans.

Plain dress with short or long sleeves

White/Cream/Gret socks

Black/Brown/Grey/White shoes

Hair let down or in a bun

That's what girls wore what about the boys

The boys wore

Grey/Black/Brown shorts/trousers

White/Cream/Brown/Grey plain or checked shirt


Plain, dark coloured cap

Grey/Black socks (Preferably long)

Black/Brown/Grey shoes

Hair 'Bryll Creamed' in side parting

So that's what the boys and girls wore in World War II

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13y ago

in ww2 men wore the same as little boys but bigger.

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15y ago

WW2 was the best war.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

They wearded tunic tousers visior and caps, helmets,wool berets .Lanchester submachine gun - British submachine gun, developed from the German MP28, used by the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force. Sten - simple design, low-cost British submachine gun in service from late 1941 to the end of the war. Thompson - American submachine gun used in large numbers until the Sten gun was introduced.

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