During world war two, metal was of short supply, and needed for the war effort. As americans, in support for the troops, and war effort, all metal was saved, and recycled..
To save resources for the war effort.
So that more food would be available for the troops.
people was trying to save the world and a tornadao came and tour the houses down
It saved peoples lives because it was fireproof.It also helped people by allowing people to move quickly.
shut up and research He wasn't even in...... nevermindd.. I agree^^
To save resources for the war effort.
To save resources for the war effort.
Save people .
To welcome our Blessed Savior into the world, and to give Him thanks and praise for coming to save us.
Vacationing was largely discouraged during the war to save resources for the war effort.
It will automatically save after missions are completed. You cannot save during a mission. People have also had a save game issue in which they cannot save at all.
A robot can't save the earth. A robot could help people around the world in different ways but it can't save the world! Only god can do that! :)
Save the world
god save the queen
Rationing and Victory Gardens
to save their kids