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We still hate him.

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Q: What did southerners think about general William t sherman?
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How do you think the Anaconda plan and Sherman's march affected southerners psychologically?

the Anaconda Plan and Sherman's march both starved, not only soldiers, but also women and children to death. This had a dramatic psychological affect on southerners. It made them become even more furious and increased their urge for revenge and perhaps a future war, in order to get back at the Northerners.

Who is professor William waterman sherman?

Professor William Waterman Sherman is a made up character in the book The Twenty-One Ballooons by William Pene du Bois. He is a professor for the Western Explorers Club in San Fransisco. He travels in a balloon from San Fransisco to Krakatoa in 1883. This book is fictional, but I think that the island Krakatoa is real. look it up for proof.

What weapon did General Patton think so highly of that he claimed that it helped win the war for the US during World War 2?

M1 Garand Rifle (PCH)the m4 sherman tank it was named after the union civil war general Robert e sheraman.note. i don't konw if the Robert e part is right but the sherman part is right

What city did Union General Sherman burn down?

The short answer - almost every city he entered was laid waste before he left. With the exception of one city: Union, Mississippi. He respected the name of the city because it was named Union. He spared the city and even stayed in a hotel there. It is now a musuem.

Did most southerners own slavesw before the civil war the war?

Yes. That was what the war was about. Preceding the war, southerners had slaves and the northerners didn't think it was right. Therefore, the Civil War happened. Hope this helped! Mckennaj

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In the movie Gone With the Wind what did southerners think about general William t sherman?

We still hate him.

Why do you think Sherman was not interested in politics?

If this question refers to US Civil War General William T. Sherman, then by his own words he stated that under no circumstances would he seek public office. He had no interest in politics.

How do you think the Anaconda plan and Sherman's march affected southerners psychologically?

the Anaconda Plan and Sherman's march both starved, not only soldiers, but also women and children to death. This had a dramatic psychological affect on southerners. It made them become even more furious and increased their urge for revenge and perhaps a future war, in order to get back at the Northerners.

What did Union General William T Sherman write about the leadership of Union General Joseph Hooker?

Even though Union General Joseph Hooker had an enormous two to one advantage of General Lee's army, not every Union general held a favorable view of Hooker's ability to lead the Army of the Potomac. In a letter to President Lincoln, General Sherman expressed these words: " I know Hooker well and tremble to think of his handling of 100,000 men in the presence of Lee. I fear the result of an advance by Hooker on Lee". Sherman proved to be correct and Lee's greatest victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville was close at hand.

What was general William howe's religion?

Anglicanism? I think.

Did Robert E Lee and General Sherman fight against each other?

Maybe, I think it was General Ulyssas S. Grant, though.

Who is professor William waterman sherman?

Professor William Waterman Sherman is a made up character in the book The Twenty-One Ballooons by William Pene du Bois. He is a professor for the Western Explorers Club in San Fransisco. He travels in a balloon from San Fransisco to Krakatoa in 1883. This book is fictional, but I think that the island Krakatoa is real. look it up for proof.

What did southerners think congress should protect?

Southerners thought congress should protect their borders.

How do you think the anaconda plan the shermans march affected southerners psychologically?

the Anaconda Plan and Sherman's march both starved, not only soldiers, but also women and children to death. This had a dramatic psychological affect on southerners. It made them become even more furious and increased their urge for revenge and perhaps a future war, in order to get back at the Northerners.

Why did south hate William T Sherman?

Gen. William T. Sherman was largely hated among white southerners, due to his aggressive campaign of the March to the Sea. During this campaign, Sherman ordered all houses, farms, towns, and other civilian occupancies burned to the ground. In the wake of this, many people (even women and children) where left starving and homeless. Many of Sherman's troops where known to rape the women they came across, and loot the stores.

Is it major General William e rapp married?

I think so as his wife name Derby

What German city famous for being burned by general sherman during the American civil war?

I think you've muddled 'Sherman' with 'German'. The only famous city with a big German population was Chicago - a long way from the war. Sherman burnt down most of Atlanta, and then the whole of Columbia, South Carolina.