Many fought in WW2, others worked in factories and mines, etc. Almost everyone accepted direction of labour: the government planned the economy and told people what jobs they could have and so on. They accepted (and co-operated with) rationing, price controls accepted extremely high levels of income tax. In addition, many civilians volunteered to help as unpaid firefighters and rescuers when British cities were bombed. The list of ways in which people helped the war effort, especially indirectly, is almost endless. This is just a start. Joncey
Yes. The British issued counterfeit Continental money during the Revolutionary War.
Help British
Not from the British
Redcoats or Lobsterbacks
There were many British generals at this time.
Native Americans helped the British during the war.
Henry Clinton was a British military commander. he fought for the British.
The irquios tribe was on the british side. The british side won the war.
The White House was burned ONCE -By the British during the War of 1812
Yes. The British issued counterfeit Continental money during the Revolutionary War.
There were many British generals at this time.
The British
Why did the British seek the help of Sharif Hussein during World War I
The British fought the French.
The british promised them better infustructure