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te extintion of two thirds of the jewish population

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13y ago
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16y ago

The Holocaust caused more than 6 million Jews murdered. But not only did Jews die, everyone else that wasn't "Perfect Race." That event we will never forget.

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12y ago

The whole thing was an 'abuse' - actually something much worse - from start to finish.

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Q: What did the Holocaust cause?
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How was Spain affected by the Holocaust?

Spain was not affected by the holocaust. Germany was the sole cause of the holocaust and never controlled Spain.

Who was over the Holocaust?

This question doesn't make sense. Do you mean "what was the cause of the Holocaust?" Do you mean "who was responsible for the Holocaust?" Rephrase the question.

What did Hitler Youth do to cause the Holocaust?

He was a terrorist....

What cause did Hitler have on the Holocaust?

to eliminate the Jewish population.

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No more than Anne Frank was the cause of the Holocaust.

Did the Holocaust or the invasion of Poland come first?

The invasion of Poland came first. The genocide followed later. ------------------------------ The real question would be: Did the Holocaust or the invasion of the Soviet Union come first? or rather: Did the Holocaust cause the invasion of the Soviet Union or did the invasion of the Soviet Union cause the Holocaust? (because there is no clear answer)

Did the Jewish religion cause their persecution?

The Holocaust was about race, not religion.

Was Hitler an key cause of the causing of the Holocaust?

No. He was the COMPLETE cause of the holocaust happening. He spread abusive and vicious propaganda about the Jews throughout all of German territory to get them to turn against all Jews. The Holocaust probably would not have happened without Hitler, but there were many more factors and influences that had to be in place before the Holocaust would happen.

What country may cause a nuclear holocaust?

This is politics, not science or engineering

Did the Kristallnacht cause the Holocaust?

No, it allowed Hitler to take over the government .

Is there ghost in the Holocaust?

I think there is ghost at the holocaust but they don't show up when Chuck Norris get there cause maybe the ghost are scared to show themselfs to him cause I would be scared if Chuck Norris came to see me cause I would know that it's not going to be something good.

Was the US affected by the Holocaust in any way?

yes it hasit affected us cause many of soldiers went to Europe and never came backour own people died cause of the holocaust___None of the Allies fought "cause of the holocaust" ... World War 2 was not fought to save the Jews.