Their battle cry was, "Banzai!", a Japanese version of the, "Rebel Yell" from the Confederates during the US Civil War (1861-1865).
An American born Japanese is called "Nikei America-jin" However, this question could also be referring to generations: Issei = First Generation Japanese, one who has immigrated to another country Nisei = Second Generation Japanese, the child of a Japanese immigrant Sansei= Third Generation Japanese, the grandchild of a Japanese immigrant Yonsei= Fourth Generation Japanese, the great-grandchild of a Japanese immigrant
Japanese Americans born in America are American citizens. The term Japanese Americans means that they are of Japanese decent but live in the US.
The Japanese fought a war of attrition .
Many Japanese Military weapons and troops lost and greatly weaken the Japanese's army.
The song is in Japanese.
The Chant was created in 1984.
The past tense of "chant" is "chanted."
Yes, the word 'chant' is both a noun (chant, chants) and a verb (chant, chants, chanting, chanted). Examples:Noun: He recited a chant his mother would say to put him to sleep as a child.Verb: The crowd began to chant, 'Go, Jimmy, go!".
THe crowd continued to chant.
Plainchant or Gregorian chant are synonymous terms for liturgical chant in music.
Yalla Chant was created in 1995.
Chanakya's Chant was created in 2010.
Masters of Chant was created in 2000.
OU Chant was created in 1936.
Chant II was created in 1994.
Michael Chant was born in 1945.