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The Missouri Compromise

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The Missouri Compromise.

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Q: What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act go against?
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How do you spell opposing?

That is the correct spelling of the verb "oppose" (go against, or act against).

Did any on go against the sugar act?

no, everybody, loved it and had a great time with it :]]

How do you register complaint under it act against Nigerian cheating?

To register a complaint under the IT act against Nigerian cheating, simply go to the police station and register your complaint.

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How can you get your boyfriend to go to church?

Ask him if he wants to go. If he doesn't then you shouldn't try to change him. It's disrespectful of you to act against his wishes like that.

What was sumners argument in his speech?

He spoke out against the Kansas-Nebraska Act

What is one argument of against of the tea act?

The tea act was the act of the American colonists rebelling against the British for taxation without representation on tea, it was also an act of freedom from Britain.

What office did Sam Houston vote against the Kansas-Nabraska act in 1854?

He was in the U.S. Senate when he voted against the act.

Did Patrick Henry not like the stamp act?

Yes Patrick Henry did go against the stamp act, trust me i am in 4th grade i am studying him, the stamp act is the reason why he gave his famous "give me liberty or give me death" speech.

A person who does not act loyally to his country?

A person who does not act loyally to his country could be considered a traitor or unpatriotic. Such a person may engage in actions that go against the best interests of their country or actively work against it. Their behavior can be seen as disloyal and harmful to the nation as a whole.

What act was passed to punish colonists for rebelling against Stamp Act?

The Townshend Act was passed in 1767 after the Colonists rebelled against the Stamp Act. The Townshend Act was a tax on glass, paint, lead, tea and other things the Colonists needed.

What opposition to which act turned into a general boycott against the British?

stamp act