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By the Union capturing Vicksburg and Port Hudson they took complete control over Mississippi river.

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Cut the Confederacy in two.

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Q: What did the Union manage to do with the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson?
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What battle was lost to make port Hudson surrender?

The battle for Vicksburg . When Vicksburg , which was under siege , fell to the Union the Confederate defenders of Port Hudson surrendered .

What effect did the union victory at Vicksburg have on the confederate Garrison on Port Hudson?

They surrendered

As a result of the battles at Vicksburg and port Hudson the union gained control of the?

Mississippi river

What is related to the surrender of Vicksburg?

Port Hudson

What was the signifance of Vicksburg?

Together with Port Hudson, Vicksburg was part of the defensive system that prevented the the Union from gaining the control of the whole Mississippi River, until July 1863.

How did the victory at Vicksburg help to fulfill the Anaconda Plan?

The victory, followed of that of Port Hudson allowed Union to take the control of the whole Mississippi River.

As result of the battles at Vicksburg and Port Hudson the Union gained control of the Atlantic coast from Georgia to Virginia?

No, the Mississippi River. and the confederacy in half

How did the at the Vicksburg help to fulfill the Anaconda Plan?

The victory, followed of that of Port Hudson allowed Union to take the control of the whole Mississippi River.

After what major battle did the confederates at Port Hudson surrender?

It was the battle of Vicksburg.

What effect did the union victory at Vicksburg have on the confederate garrison at port Hudson?

the confederacy was split in two after it lost its strongholds along the Mississippi river

How was the loss at Vicksburg harmful to the confederacy?

The loss at Vicksburg was harmful to the confederacy because they had lost port Hudson and the Southern stronghold on the Mississippi.

Where was the first major battle for African American troops in the union army?

Port Hudson, Mississippi