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the north had a 20 million population, well developed rail system, a strong heavy industry.

to contrast this we can look at the south. they had a 8 million population with ~half of that being black slaves ~1/4 of the railroad compared to the north and a fledging heavy industry

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15y ago
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12y ago

A whole lot of unsaleable cotton!

Other than that, only what the blockade-runners could slip past the Union naval blockade.

They had almost no manufacturing industry, so they had to improvise.

The Gettysburg campaign was partly aimed at plundering food from the prosperous state of Pennsylvania, as well as raiding a boot and shoe factory near Gettysburg.

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10y ago

The North has many Natural Resources during the Civil War including coal, timber, iron ore, and petroleum. Their ability to better harness these resources helped contribute to their victory.

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13y ago

They had factories to supply guns and ammo, while the south just had plantations and barely any factories

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14y ago

the north was industrialized whereas the south was farming...................

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15y ago

the north relied on industry.

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