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what did the south rename them selves after they broke away from the union

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Q: What did the south rename themselves after they broke away from the union?
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Are the Confederacies the north side?

no the confederates are the south and the union is the north. Remember that South Carolina broke away from the Union. Then later when all the southerners broke away asap, they became known as the Confederacy (south) and what was left of the Union (north)

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No, the civil war was only in The United States Of America. It was a Battle between the North and the South, the North being Anti-Slavery, The South being slave states. (The south also broke from the union and called themselves The Confederate States Of America.) ~Marcos

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In 1861, fighting broke out between confederate and union soldiers in Charleston, South Carolina.

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North~union~rich boys south~ confederate ========= Supporters of the North called themselves the Union and they called the South Rebels. Supporters of the South called themselves the Confederacy and they called the North Yankees. As a name for the generic individual soldier (something like G. I. Joe of the 20th Century) a soldier of the North is sometimes referred to as Billy Yank and one from the South as Johnny Reb.

What were the nicknames for the North and South in the Civil War?

North~union~rich boys south~ confederate ========= Supporters of the North called themselves the Union and they called the South Rebels. Supporters of the South called themselves the Confederacy and they called the North Yankees. As a name for the generic individual soldier (something like G. I. Joe of the 20th Century) a soldier of the North is sometimes referred to as Billy Yank and one from the South as Johnny Reb.

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They were broke!!

The terms union confederacy?

The Confederacy was the group of Southern slave-states that broke away and declared themselves to be a separate nation (not recognised by any foreign countries, except Mexico). The Union was what was left of the USA. (The North) After the war, the states were re-united.

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People born in the Soviet Union before it broke up can call themselves Soviets if the want, but their nationality is that of the the country they were born in when it was part of the Soviet Union. For example, a 40-year-old born in the Ukraine state of the Soviet Union is Ukrainian, but free to call themself a Soviet.

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the previous question is completely wrong! They seceded from the union because they felt that they had the power to govern themselves! :) Hope that helps! :)

Who was divided during the civil war?

the north and the south----the south formed the confederacy with eleven states that broke off from the northern union. the states were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia.