They wore masks and went from house to house banging lids and clanging cowbells in their neighborhood.
on the door
because it smells like balls
They were sent to death camps in Germany
In Germany, children both boys and girls were encouraged to join the Hitler Youth for young German boys 14-18 Girls in Germany were encouraged to join the BDM ages 10-14 In Italy and Japan children also joined child units for boys and girls. I do not think that any children were really into combat unless it was in home defense or partisian fighting
Arabian Nights..
On a Knocking Night or Klopfelanchten, children wore masks and went from house to house, banging lids and rattling tin cans, and clanging cowbells in their neighbors' front yards. In other areas, costumed groups walk down the streets singing and stop to call at the residents' doors, asking for or giving small presents. The tradition started because of beliefs that witches and evil spirits committed mischief on those nights during Advent. It sometimes takes a form similar to Halloween in the US.
Knocking on Heaven's Door - 1992 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:12
Arabian Nights - 2000 TV is rated/received certificates of: Germany:12
7 Nights of Darkness - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:16
Jaeger nights.
Nights in White Satin - 1987 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M Iceland:16 West Germany:12
Children should get at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night, but, on average, children normally get about 9 hours of sleep on school nights.
walker and Texas ranger (TR for short)
This game played by children (and chld like adults) has numerous names all over the world. They certainly include both Knock Down Ginger and Cherry knocking and a hundred more names as well.
A Children's Carnival in Germany - 1897 was released on: USA: December 1897
Children in Germany (if there good) get presents!