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Focus on their emotional responces. apex.

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Lily Micheal

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5y ago
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Q: What do people do when they are involved in affective conflict?
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Related questions

What is inter-personal conflict?

Interpersonal conflicts refers to a disagreement between two people, that are mutually involved in the conflict. Interpersonal conflict can comprise of three different components: behavioral component , cognitive component, and affective component.

Affective conflict is differences in perspectives or judgments about issues whereas cognitive conflict is emotional and directed at other people?

You've got it backwards.

How do you use affective conflict in a sentence?

Affective conflict can arise in a team when there are strong emotional reactions among members regarding a decision. In a sentence: "The affective conflict in the marketing team resulted in hurt feelings and strained relationships among colleagues."

Who where the the people involved in the World War 2 conflict?

nearly every one was

What are the two groups of people that are involved in the Northern Ireland conflict?

Catholics and Protestants

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What does conflict and resolution mean?

Conflict refers to a disagreement or clash between two or more parties. Resolution involves finding a solution or compromise to resolve the conflict and restore harmony. It typically involves communication, negotiation, and understanding the perspectives of all parties involved.

What is. Conflict?

Interpersonal conflicts refers to a disagreement between two people, that are mutually involved in the conflict. Interpersonal conflict can comprise of three different components: behavioral component , cognitive component, and affective component.

Who were involved in the south and North Korea conflict?

people and kung fu pandas.. ii dead serious

How have people in the region responded to the conflict?

People in the region have responded to the conflict with a range of reactions, including protests, diplomatic efforts, humanitarian aid, and support for various sides involved. The responses vary based on individual beliefs, perspectives, and personal experiences with the conflict.

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