They were (and still are) called Nazis or National Socialists. Note that Nazi is a nickname.
Nazi isn't really a nickname. It's actually a contraction of the German word Nationalsozialismus, which means 'National Socialism', or, Nazism.
A "Toothbrush moustache"
Did you mean Fuhrer? If so, that was because "fuhrer" was German for "leader" and Hitler was the leader.
The Aryan race were considered by Hitler to be pure.
I believed he called it blitzkrieg, which were lightning quick attacks.
Erwin Rommel. Hitler's best General (in my opinion).
No; nor was Hitler a follower of Stalin. Hitler despised Communists, sending their followers to die in concentration camps. Stalin disliked Hitler because he violated a treaty between Germany and Russia (Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty) and invaded his country.
You have to be a follower of Hitler and be dead
The Gestapo
a follower
Follower of Hinduism is called a 'Hindu'.Follower of Hinduism is called a 'Hindu'.
why did they call hitler what?
a believer faithful, disciple, follower, gnostic
der Führer (the leader)