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Answer Marching in close order drill taught the soldier discipline and following orders. Basic training taught the soldier how to fight, shoot his weapons, care for himself in the field, first aid and the basics of being a soldier. It also taught him how to fight in a squad level group of 8 to 12 men.

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15y ago

Anything that exists in the civilian world, exists in the military world, it's just that the military "takes care of it's own" and allows you to retire after only 20 years of service.

NO civilian job in America allows that! And...after 20 years of employment with "many" civilian employers...they OFTEN lay you off (with a severence check...sometimes).

The military has gas station workers, typists, clerks, Accountants, bulldozer operators, policeman, firemen, mechanics, etc.

And of course, soldiers.

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13y ago

What you learn in the army is to be brave. to be proud. to serve your country. there's so many so many things you learn from the army. each one you must learn to live by it a love by it

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15y ago

In Army Jrotc, you are taught to march, and you are taught facts about the army. You re also taught to read a military map.

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Q: What do you learn in World War 2 basic training?
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Standard Navy boot camp, not much different then it is today. There were a number of training centers, Sampson Naval Training Center and Great Lakes Training Center were two of the biggest. They got basic protocol, military drill, damage control (fire fighting, dewatering, etc.), basic ship board procedures.

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Not with that weapon, but a rifle during basic training yes

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Training is certainly not free. They had to pay for the ammunition, the weapons, and pay instructors. Yes, the government did pay.

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