After serving 20 years in the military you can file or put in a retirement packet, once accepted you maintain you medical and dental benefit's, 50% of you base pay for the remainder of your life regardless of age and maintain access to any military installation.
Not entirely true. There are currently (as of 2010) 3 separate retirement plans for the Military. Not all of them gives you 50% at 20 years. Also, there is NO dental coverage unless you pay for it. Lastly, medical coverage at Military Treatment Facilities is not free. You pay for Tricare Prime (currently $460.00 per year). If you have Tricare Standard it is cost shared at the rate of 80% for Tricare and 20% for you. Tricare Standard has no annual fee.
officers can resign their commissions, but enlisted personal cannot. enlisted have to screw up bad, refuse to follow orders, present some mental or physical ailment to preclude further military service. depending on reason, a honorable discharge (the best) may be forthcoming or, good of the service, general discharge or undesirable discharge may be confered on a solder which are not good. Worst, a dishonorable discharge.................hang in there, all things come to an end.......
There are many services of military banking offered by Bank of America. Examples of military bank services offered by Bank of America include special discounts and student loan contracts.
She was not in the military per say...she worked with the C.I.A.
Civilian workers in the military provide support to the armed services. Civilian jobs in the military include record keeping, equipment inventory and supply management.
The bank of America provides active military personnel with a banking service to suit their needs whilst on active duty. Bills and such will be handled and dealt with under pre instruction.
Retire from the Military
yes you can but your wife has to be in the military.
Yes, military people can file in Oklahoma.
I say he will retire in 2011.
Social Security Number
You could say "Voy a jubilar este mes"(I am going to retire this month). Or..."Jubilaré este mes"(I will retire this month). Or..."Jubilo este mes"(I retire this month).
Military Sea Services Museum was created in 1998.
Social Security Number
Literally, yes you may chose to live where ever you like after you retire. Before you retire from the military, however, you will go where they send you, that being where they need you most.
Yes, "Military Services" should be capitalized when referring to the armed forces of a country or any organization related to military activities.
no longer of the military services