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He was

  • intelligent and charismatic,
  • a staunch vegetarian and animal lover,
  • a huge critic of, and aggressive promoter against, smoking,
  • a decorated war hero,
  • and an very dedicated, patriotic political leader.


  • He also instigated a war which killed more people than all others in history combined,
  • his personal orders and policies were responsible for the imprisonment and death of millions of his and other countries' citizens,
  • he invaded without provocation multiple other countries and regions,
  • a major cause of Germany's huge economic fall following World War 2,
  • and eventually committed suicide with his enemies barely hundred of metres away.

Adolf Hitler was born in 1889, and died of suicide. He was the leader of Nazi Germany during World War II. His birthplace: Braunau am Inn, Austria. He died on the 30th of April in 1945.

It is mentioned above that Hitler was a staunch vegetarian. Though this is true, readers should note he was only a vegetarian because of meteorosis - a condition that causes excessive gas. He regularly consumed meat in his childhood, but cut it out in favor of fruits and vegetables in his later life.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Was a great tyrant.


Not a lot. When you think of all of the Innocent men, women and children who died, he doesn't bare thinking about.

Hitler also did a lot of good for Germany before WW2.

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12y ago

Well, people might have different opinions about Hitler but whether people want to see it or not Hitler was a good leader when it came to getting Germany out of its depression. Hitler was, however, a psychopath. He blamed Jewish people for no reason. From pictures I have seen, concentration camps were terrible places. He wiped out 90% percent of Denmark's Jewish population. He only killed himself because he was losing Berlin and failed to take over the world. So he was a good leader. But the only thing you can call him for doing what he did to the Jewish people is Monster.

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15y ago

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian at birth. He killed Jews and Blacks and everyone who was different. He participated in World War One and was the German leader in World War two. After World War One, Germany plunged into powerty. they couldn't afford to clothe themselves. They were going to elect a new party into power. Hitler established the Nazis or the National Socialist party in German. He promised jobs to the people. He promised wealth, oil, and food. The people loved him. They all voted for him. He came into power. Gave the Germans jobs... making machine guns. He gave them oil... for tanks. He gave them wealth... for killing people. He started a world conquest. he slaughtered 13 million people in the Holocaust alone. He was so disturbed, he had a "relationship" with his sister.

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13y ago

The party's last leader, Adolf Hitler, was appointed Chancellor of Germany by president Paul von Hindenburg in 1933. Hitler rapidly established a totalitarian regime[6][7][8][9] known as the Third Reich.

Nazi ideology stressed the failures of laissez-faire capitalism, communism, economic liberalism, and democracy; supported the "racial purity of the German people" and that of other Northwestern Europeans; and claimed itself as the protector of Germany from Jewish influence and corruption. The Nazis persecuted those they perceived as either race enemies or Lebensunwertes Leben, that is "life unworthy of living". This included Jews, Slavs, Roma, and so-called "Mischlinge" along with Communists, homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled, and others. The persecution reached its climax when the party and the German state which it controlled organized the systematic murder of approximately six million Jews and six million other people from the other targeted groups, in what has become known as the Holocaust. Hitler's desire to build a German empire through expansionist policies led to the outbreak of World War II in Europe.

(whew! That was long)

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14y ago

Hitler was German and he was a very good General and almost lead Germany to victory. You should feel sorry for Hitler because he was a great guy.

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