In Nazi concentration camps, der Blockaelteste was the senior Kapo or 'trusted prisoner' (trusted by the SS, that is) for a block or large hut. He (or she) was usually in charge of food distribution in the hut and had disciplinary powers over the other inmates. Some had the power to whip other prisoners. The word is only used in this specific sense.
genau = exact
Kraut is a German word recorded in English from 1918 onwards as a derogatory term for a German, particularly a German soldier.
You mean "luftwaffe"? That the German Air Force.
"American" in GermanAmerikaner/ Amerikane is German for American.
wurst means sausage
what does ashley mean in in german
Do you mean elan? Then the word exists in German
Woken does not mean anything in German, the English word woken, means aufgewacht in German
the word you mean is viele and it means 'lots' in german.
keeno in German
Jeffrey is not a German name and has no German meaning.
Bouncey doesn't mean anything in German or English. Bouncy in English translates to Spring- in German.
Nothing. It is not a German word.
finen is not a German word
That's not German.
Zink is German for zinc
The word rieces is not German