"Ishi means rock in Japanese"
Actually, I think the asker meant Ishi of the Yahi tribe. In their language "Ishi" means "man". It may also be "last man".
it is just a stupied name
Hisser mean that they like to hiss people.It mean that they are ....
The name Milca is a hebrew name which means Queen.
Where did the name Maynard come from and what does it mean
What ishis full name
T ishis not an
T ishis not an
Ishi never said his name because it was forbidden for him to say it as a Yahi. However the name 'Ishi' was given to him, which just very simply means MAN. I hope that helps!!
T ishis not an
slim shady's daughter is hailey and alaine or laney ishis neice that he adopted so pickles to you
Strength in Greek is δύναμη [thinami] or rarely ισχύς [ishis]
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the name holora mean it is a name
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what does the name asou mean