Hisser mean that they like to hiss people.It mean that they are ....
what does trench mean
it mean spiderman is dead
Outliers pull the mean in the direction of the outlier.
it means - superior beauty- or it can mean -beautiful moon- in Japanese :)
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness, where it becomes difficult to see in low light conditions. In more severe cases, it can also cause xerophthalmia, a condition characterized by dryness of the eyes, which may progress to eye ulcers and blindness if left untreated. Consuming foods rich in vitamin A or taking supplements can help prevent and treat these eye problems.
he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
rat mean intense. ox mean calm , born tiger mean powerful rabbit mean good friend dragon mean strong snake mean prudent horse mean popular goat mean shy monkey mean inventor rooster mean organized dog mean intelligent pig mean honest that are what the 12 chinese zodiac animals mean
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"
The haudensaunee mean irguios
Do you mean ''What does the AUM Mantra mean?''