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It means it's not allowed on a severe level.

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Q: What does strictly forbidden mean?
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What orders did union general William Tecumseh sherman give his troops on their march of the sea?

Destroy the farms, kill the livestock, burn any crops the army can't eat, and wreck the railroads. Violence against civilians was strictly forbidden. When this happened, it was usually not at the hands of Sherman's men, but the mounted vandals ("bummers") who rode alongside the army for the food and the fun.

Was it forbidden to name your baby Jacob in nazi Germany?


In which Caribbean country are the armed forces and police forbidden to vote?


How did the Civil War affect the education after the war?

The Civil War changed who were eligible to receive an education. During the antebellum years, educating slaves had been strictly forbidden, because an educated mind is one that will not continue to be enslaved. So, following the abolition of slavery, blacks represented a large body of citizens who were illiterate. To solve this problem, schools were established that would teach blacks.

What are some restrictions that were imposed on the citizens during the Blitz?

According to The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank" After May 1940 the good times were few and far between: first there was the war, then the capitulation and then the arrival of the Germans, which is when the trouble started for the Jews. Our freedom was severely restricted by a series of anti-Jewish decrees: Jews were required to wear a yellow star; Jews were required to turn in their bicycles; Jews were forbidden to use street-cars; Jews were forbidden to ride in cars, even their own; Jews were required to do their shopping between 3 and 5 P.M.; Jews were required to frequent only Jewish-owned barbershops and beauty parlors; Jews were forbidden to be out on the streets between 8 P.M. and 6 A.M.; Jews were forbidden to attend theaters, movies or any other forms of entertainment; Jews were forbidden to use swimming pools, tennis courts, hockey fields or any other athletic fields; Jews were forbidden to go rowing; Jews were forbidden to take part in any athletic activity in public; Jews were forbidden to sit in their gardens or those of their friends after 8 P.M.; Jews were forbidden to visit Christians in their homes; Jews were required to attend Jewish schools, etc. You couldn't do this and you couldn't do that, but life went on" (page 3).

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Are there an forbidden foods in the Hinduism religion?

beef is strictly forbidden in Hinduism . Sometimes meat is also prohibited.

Why did the jokes stop coming?

Because they were strictly forbidden. XD

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Suicide is strictly forbidden in Islam.

What does Jewish law say about murder?

As one of the Ten Commandments, it is strictly forbidden.

Is your consuming alcohol offensive to Muslims?

It is strictly forbidden for Muslims to drink alcohols.

Is marriage for love gunha for Muslims?

If you mean by love marriage is practicing sex outside marriage (fornication) then it is strictly forbidden per Islam teachings. However, if you mean the licit marriage per Islam rules based on love (between the two partners); not sexual love; then it is not forbidden and is not gunha.

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No, that is a form of idolatry which is strictly forbidden in Judaism.

Is homosexuality praticed during Ramadan?

It is strictly forbidden not only in Ramadan, but always... It is a great sin...

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All drugs and intoxicants are strictly forbidden per Islam religion.

Do you put onions in mustard potato salad?

I do, but whether to do it or not is strictly a matter of taste - it's not required, or forbidden.

Are Muslims allowed to go to real-wishes dot com or is it strictly forbidden?

Yes, ethnicity has nothing to do with it

Were most dissections in the roman era done on humans?

No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.