It means to withdraw membership from an organization. ie: The south seceded from the union during the civil war.
If you are referring to withdraw from the Union, the term is "secede".
When the Confederate States declared themselves an independent contry they withdrew from United States of America, They were no longer 'united'. The union of the states was broken because they were no longer one country. The term for this was secede.
South Carolina threatened to secede in 1833 with the Nullification Act.
what does secede mean
everthing haha
to leave the official term is secede
If you are referring to withdraw from the Union, the term is "secede".
In social studies, secede refers to the act of a group or region breaking away from a larger political entity, such as a country or state, to become independent. This term is often used in the context of Civil Wars or movements for self-determination.
If a state leaves the union, it is said to secede.
The Latin term from which the English word secession is derived is secessio. This Latin term is taken from the root Latin word secedere, which means to secede.
Do you mean secede from the Confederacy? There was only one - the new state of West Virginia, which seceded from Virginia in 1863.