The term "fatherland" refers to an anthropomorphized conception of certain countries. "Motherland" is another common term like this. "Fatherland" is a translation of Latin "patria" (from "pater" meaning "father"), which is related to words like "patriotic" (love of one's fatherland or homeland), etc.
Most typically, "fatherland" is used in a context referring to Germany. In German "Vaterland" means "fatherland"; however, since World War II this term has developed Nazi connotations, so it is now avoided in general except in ironic or humorous contexts.
Fatherland is the nation of one's fathers or forefathers. It can be viewed as a nationalist concept, insofar as it relates to nations. Groups that refer to their native country as a fatherland associate it primarily with paternal concepts. Motherland is a term that may refer to a mother country, the origin of a colonial power or an ethnic group or immigrant. Motherland is otherwise a synonym for fatherland, though perhaps carrying different psychological associations. It especially has the connotation of one's country of birth and growing up, with the country being respectfully viewed as a benign mother nurturing its citizens as her children.
By the end of the war, Germans as young as ten (10) were being given guns and required to fight. But most of them were not members of the Nazi Party and could not truly be called Nazi soldiers. They were German soldiers in an army and a country run by Nazis.
The Invasion of Normandy was to attack Germany from all sides and to push Germany back to the Fatherland The Invasion of Normandy also known as D-Day was the mass landings of Allied forces on France. Once the foothold on the French coast was established a drive toward the German homeland and Berlin started. It also established a third front for the German army to fight upon. The 1st was Russia, 2nd was in Italy, and the 3rd was in France.
The quick answer is Germany. There are a lot of people who may or may not agree with that. The world was in a depression, and I'm sure there was a lot of finger pointing at the US. The pressure put upon Germany after World War 1 made it a tough place to be and when Hitler stepped into power and began talking about the Fatherland a lot of people listened. Ultimately the responsibility lies with the aggressor but I'm sure many other cases could be made.
Hisser mean that they like to hiss people.It mean that they are ....
Fatherland (accusative singular).
For the Fatherland was created in 2006.
It means 'Fatherland or Death" or "Homeland or Death."
Fatherland or Death, we shall overcome!
For the fatherland and the people.
"ma patrie" means "my fatherland" in French.
Germany is known as the "Fatherland".
Fatherland for All was created in 1997.
Fatherland's Front was created in 1934.
We Love Our Fatherland was created in 1997.
The Strength of the Fatherland was created in 1916.
Germany is commonly referred to as the "Fatherland."