mille neuf cent quarante-quatre ("one thousand nine hundred forty four")ordix-neuf cent quarante-quatre ("nineteen hundred forty four")
pistols/ six shot repeaters up to forty four caliber .favored by calavry. long guns/smooth and rifled barrels.the north sometimes had repeating rifles/ spencers eight shot and henrys sixteen shot forty four caliber.i believe if you wanted a repeating rifle ,money was taken out of your check to pay for it.just like if you paid money to the federal government you would not have to my view this adds to the belief by some that the civil war was primarly about one thing_MONEY!!!
When a huge number of people is gathered to a location.
Ack Ack is anti-aircraft artillery. A battery is usually four to six weapons. The term was used mostly by the British.
Forty is a natural number that comes after thirty-nine and before forty-one. It is represented by the numeral 40.
In the King James version the phrase - four hundred and forty four - does not appear at all. Nor does the phrase - four hundred - appear in any verse with the phrase - forty four.
The number sequence four four two can also be referred as four hundred and forty two. The number following this would be four four three or four hundred and forty three.
44 does not appear in the King James Version. The only mention of "forty four" is in conjunction with one hundred - as in Rev 7:4 and Rev 14:1 - "one hundred and forty and four thousand"
Quarantaquattro is an Italian equivalent of the English number "forty-four".Specifically, the number quaranta means "forty (40)". The number quattro translates as "four (4)". The pronunciation will be "kwah-RAHN-tah-KWAHT-troh" in Italian.
Five thousand, forty-four and forty-eight hundredths.
44 = forty-four
As a number it is: 44,000,000
500,444,046 = five hundred million four hundred forty four thousand forty six.
The number 500,000,000,444,444,444,444 is a 12-digit numeral. In this number, the digit 5 is in the hundred millions place, followed by 11 consecutive 4s. Each place value in a number represents a power of 10, with the rightmost digit representing 10^0 (1), the next representing 10^1 (10), and so on. Therefore, in this number, the digit 4 in the trillion's place is multiplied by 10^12.
did you mean forty four tribes, every country is a nation, so please be more specific.