When Hitler invaded Norway, he prohibited the people from wearing any symbol representing their king. To protest this and Hitler's treatment of the Jews, Norwegians began wearing the paper clip on their lapels, the paper clip having been invented by a Norwegian Jew. It was very brave of them as the punishment for doing so could be imprisonment, deportation, or execution. But they did it anyway.
Whitewell Middle School made a paper clip chain with the amount of paper clips equal to the amount of children that died in the Holocaust.
6 Million Paper clips for how many people died in the holocaust!
i want to know how many years did the holocaust go on because its for my project
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Where did the events of the Holocaust span?
There was no guerilla warfare in connection with the Holocaust.
The Paper Clip Project took 10 years.
A group of students from Tennessee collected millions of paperclips in honor of those lost during the Holocaust. The Paper Clip Project became public and celebrities and politicians began sending paper clips to the school. These paper clips were then used to build a memorial for the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust.
Students began collecting paper clips during the Paper Clips Project to represent the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. The project aimed to visually understand the magnitude of the tragedy through a tangible symbol.
The paper clip was not discovered. It was invented.
The paper clip clings to the the magnet
There are only one property of a paper clip. The property to a paper clip is the testing.
A metal paper clip will conduct electricity.
The paper clip inventor is John Vaaler
No, a paper clip will not float in mineral oil because mineral oil has a higher density than a paper clip. The paper clip will sink in mineral oil.
Paper clip APEX
The paper clip did not float on ethanol because ethanol is more dense than the paper clip. The paper clip is denser than ethanol, so it sank to the bottom when placed in the liquid.
Binder Clip or Paper Clip or a Staple.