It is a national symbol for the US Military that was made mandatory in August 1942 for soft top vehicles. Then in February 1945 is amended to include all Army Ground Forces. It is still used in the military to this day. It is in the center of the front and rear of the vehicle fitting in a three inch circle and black in color.
it means get the military ready for war
Earning it.
What does exigency of service in the military mean/ does it mean to like quit? It means urgent need, something needing immediate action like a sudden call to active duty
They are swingers!!
it means Company
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
it probably means motorcycle
A blockade runner is a vehicle, mainly naval, with the purpose to bring cargo across a military blockade.
He/she outranks every other U. S. military commander.
In a military sense, yes. Married or single quarters are housing stock owned by the state for the free or rented use by military personnel.
It can be written as "everyone" as a single word to mean all people collectively. It can also be written as "every one" when referring to each individual or every single person or thing.
It depends on what you mean. If you mean can a person carry a handgun loaded and accessible in their vehicle solely because he is in the military, the answer is no. A person can only carry a handgun loaded and accessible in their vehicle if they otherwise qualify to do so. Each state sets its own laws regarding that. Some states require a permit to have a loaded gun in your car, some states don't.
every single human being cuz shes mean and grumpy
Fully loaded usually means to buy a vehicle with every option available.
It is a measure of fuel economy. It is the amount of fuel a vehicle consumes in litres for every 100 kilometers the vehicle travels.
A single broken yellow line mean when safe to do so that will not interfear with other traffic, go pass the line and pass the vehicle on the left side and use that lane only for passing.
Task Force-- a temporary unit or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity.