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they got beaten up thats why

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Q: What effect did US involvement in the war have on American civil liberties?
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When was American Civil Liberties Union created?

People's Union for Civil Liberties was created in 1976.

What is the budget of American Civil Liberties Union?

The budget of American Civil Liberties Union is 106 dollars.

What was the national civil liberties bureau renamed in 1920?

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

What is the motto of American Civil Liberties Union?

American Civil Liberties Union's motto is 'Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself'.

Who is the president of the American Civil Liberties Union?

Susan Herman is President of the American Civil Liberties Union. Herman has served as President of the ACLU since October 2008.

What is American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey's motto?

American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey's motto is 'Because Freedom Can't Protect Itself'.

How did the red scare prompt the formation of American civil liberties union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened

How did the Red Scare prompt the formation of the American Civil Liberties Union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened

How did the the red scare prompt the formation of the American civil liberties union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened

How did red scare prompt the formation of the American civil liberties union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened

What does aclu stands for?

American Civil Liberties Union is what it stands for.

What instituition is most partial to the protection of civil liberties?

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is probably the most well known, though some would argue that their fight for civil liberties actually impedes on others.