The Civil War had an effect on the economy in the North. Since most of the raw materials in the country were made in the South, the North lost a lot of business. They were not as negatively impacted as the South, however.
It stimulated the Northern economy, because the farms and factories were required to produce all kinds of war-supplies, and skilled immigrants were still arriving from Europe.
It strangled the Southern economy, because the Naval blockade prevented them from exporting their cotton in exchange for imports, and the Confederate dollar was not based on assets but only on the promise of Southern independence.
There was great wealth in the South, but it was primarily tied up in the slave economy. In 1860, the economic value of slaves in the United States exceeded the invested value of all of the nation's railroads, factories, and banks combined. On the eve of the Civil War, cotton prices were at an all-time high.
The gross national product of the South and North during the Civil War was at 15 percent. This is the amount of domestic savings which was invested in product throughout all states within the country.
fewer manufactured goods were produced after the war
With the exception of the air war over the north, the ground war occurred in southern territory. The north invaded the south, the south didn't invade the north.
the north achieve its objective while the south.....
The war had primarily been fought in the south, not the north. The south had to be re-built.
The Civil War caused tremendous political, economic, technological, and social change in the United States
The Civil War caused tremendous political, economic, technological, and social change in the United States
The Civil War greatly improved the economy of the North but harmed the economy of the South.
im sure u hav enough time to answer it yourself
The Civil War had a huge effect on both the North and the South. In the South, many plantations and farms were destroyed and their owners were away fighting the war. In the North, women often took up jobs that were originally performed by their husbands.
Boundary dispute between north and south korea
The war killed many people and destroyed much of the colonies' infrastructure. However, it brought independence to the land and it affected the politics and economies of North America
It established a DMZ between North and South Korea.
South felt if they had the right to join the Union they could leave it
The leading differences between the North and the South leading towards the US Civil War was their respective economies. The North was rapidly expanding manufacturing while the South was primarily an agricultural economy. Also, the Southern economy was driven by slaves. For the most part the North had few slaves at all.
South wanted slavery north didn't so they faut