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Student protesters were basically protesting the draft. College deferrments were given to students if they held 18 college credits and maintained a 2.0 average; otherwise they risked being inducted into the military. Student protests, and non-student protests simply added to the confusion that already existed in the 1960's, e.g. assassinations, war, and various civil rights movements taking place.

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Couldn't be mentioned in schools until well after the war ended.

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Q: What effects the Vietnam War have on education?
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What were the main effects of the Vietnam war?

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Effects of the Vietnam war?

The 21st century's F22 Raptor is still armed with a 20mm cannon, thanks to the Vietnam War.

What were the long term effects of the Vietnam war on the region?

Peoples lives were shatted, birth defects, etc. Look up Long Term Effects of the Vietnam War on Google.

What were the psychological effects of the Vietnam war had on the veterans?

Rejection from the public.

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What is the effects of vietname war?

The new F22 Raptor has guns on it...thanks to the Vietnam War.

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It caused millions of people to die.

What was Vietnam's importance in World War 2?

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