In October Mussolini ordered an attack on Greece, which resulted in the lost of 1/3 of Albania until Hitler assisted in the attack on Greece. In June of 1941 Mussolini then declared war on the Soviet Union as well as a declaration of war on the United States in December. The Italians were defeated time and time again and this had most people turning against Mussolini. On July 25, 1943 King Vittorio Emanuele III summoned Mussoloni to his palace and notified him that he would no longer have any power. Mussolini was then arrested and kept in isolation in Central Italy.
Mussolini :)
Hitler copied Mussolini's fascist party
Answer this question…Mussolini did not make persecution of Jews a key part of his ideology.
Benito Mussolini is famous for being a fascist dictator in Italy during World War II. Beniito Mussolini is known for making deals with Adolf Hitler during his reign.
swiss police arrested him in 1903
bcz hhe was bad
Benito Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922. Mussolini remained in power until King Victor replaced him with another General in 1943. He was arrested, tried and executed.
Mussolini was a writer, reporter not a politician before becoming the leader of Italy.Mussolini aligned himself with a racist who hated Jews while Mussolini's mistress was a Jew.The Italians never wanted to be part of the axis forces and wanted to be allied with the Allied Forces. So they wanted Mussolini stopped. The King of Italy finally had him arrested and executed.
I don't know why you asking me?
Hitler became chancellor with dictatorial powers in 1933 and took absolute power in 1934. Mussolini became dictator in 1925 and was arrested in 1943, which ended his era of dictator of Italy. Although Mussolini was dictator of the Italian Social Republic from 1943 to 1945.
Mussolini did not surrender, he was removed from office by the Grand Fascist Council, arrested, and later freed by German special forces led by Otto Skorzeny. He was then made leader of the Italian Social Republic in the north, until his murder at the hands of communist partisans towards the end of the war.
A mall in Long Island, NY
Yes Mussolini had children. Some of them were Edda Mussolini, Romano Mussolini, Bruno Mussolini and Vittorio Mussolini.
how did Mussolini use terror in Italy- Opposition: People who opposed Mussolini were severely tortured and imprisoned, many were sentenced to be exiled for life- Political opposition: many communist were framed and arrested on false charges and were later murdered.- Discrimination: Mussolini also started a campaign against the Italian Jews. They were fired from their jobs, deprived of their property and excluded from schools.
got arrested becouse he was protesting boycots and stuff.
Based on the US History text book: Most Italians didn't support Mussolini and didn't believe in Mussolini's leadership anymore, that's why people hated him; He was also arrested by Italian King Victor Emmanuel III, but Hitler freed and hide him in the North Italy. Mussolini died when he tried to cross the Italian border into Germany; an Italian guy shot him, and he got killed.He was hung by Italian partisans.what he did not he's in la junta in one of our nursing homes i think the evergreens.?