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The Russians were allowed to take Berlin as they had lost many more troops than the Brits and Americans had in the invasion of Europe. The Americans and Brits held back even though they were probably able to get to Berlin before the huge Russian onslaught.

In addition to the invasion of Berlin by foreign troops, the leadership of Germany were fading away. Generals and lesser officers were being captured or were fleeing for the Swiss border and even some on those much-rumored submarines that would carry them away to South America or perhaps even further away. Without those officers, the units lost their direction and surrenders to particularly the Americans were overwhelming the ability of that army's ability to accept such. The whole German military machine was collapsing in the face of loss of leadership.

No one wanted to surrender to the Russians. Those troops unfortunate enough to surrender to the Red Army were marched east and NEVER heard from again. Those poor soldiers didn't get repatriated to their homes, but worked instead to death in Siberian and Gulag prison camps. And, that included all the captured Alliled soldiers as well as Germans. The graveyards in the Gulag prison camps included American, British, French and even Polish and Czech troops.

The industrial might of Germany was simply being blasted off the face of the earth. Panzer tanks in the West ground to a halt without diesel fuel and spare parts. There was only limited refinery capacity and not enough to make any serious attempts at attacking the Allies. Germany was not out of military supplies, but there was not a full range of those elements needed - food, fuel, small arms, manufacturing capacity, replacement troops and leadership.

So, what have we got? Invasion, shortages, loss of troops to enemies both in battle and from surrender and near total destruction of the homeland and bombing of civilian populations. Germany had bombed Britain, so bombing Germany's civilians was simply repaying those unnecessary deaths in the minds of the Allies and there were plenty lost on both sides in the bombings.

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13y ago

They were the subject of a British naval blockade which starved the citizens, they were being defeated by the massive number of American soldiers which entered the war in 1917, they were being overwhelmed by British and French tanks. Too much was going against the Germans and they had no way to win the war.

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The Event that caused Germany to surrender was the death of Adolf hitler

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