one problem it solved was bringing the south back to the union. so it brought the united staes together again. it also freed all the slaves in the south and later in the north. but after that it kind of just made a mess of things because the African Americans were being treated worse than before in my opinion and the south still really didn't want anything to do with the United States. they were just forced back in.
People solved their problems during the civil war, by brain storming, and using good strategies.
Slavery led to the Civil War.
A civil war occurs when one faction of a country fights another faction of the same country. For example: the North fought the South in the American Civil War in America. The Cavaliers fought the Parliamentarians in the English Civil War.
led the country during the civil war
People solved their problems during the civil war, by brain storming, and using good strategies.
hunger, money problems, crime, they afermath of th war was almost as bad as the war itself.
All places have problems of one type or another. As of 2013, most countries have political problems and are facing civil unrest, such as Egypt, Turkey, and Syria.
Syria .
It all started when the Country of California was claiming that they invented the wheel.
Civil War, Poor Economic and disease like Malaria, Aida, Cholera etc.
the answer is in indian civil service with the problems
Lebanon does not have civil marriages within the country although civil marriage preformed outside of the country are recognized. The advantages of civil marriage are if a person is not of the Muslim or Christina faith then being forced to have a religious wedding in order to be married does not have to be the only way of marriage in the country. The disadvantages is in order to have a civil marriage a person would have to leave the country in order to be married.
Some of the challenges that faced our country's leaders from the colonial times to the civil war include debts and taxes, foreign issues, governance problems and military rebellion.
to less extent it was not covered because this was not to cover all sides