Bonus army
World War 1 veterans
The Bonus army was a group of WWI veterans which wanted their army paychecks early. You see, when they served they were offered money which was suppose to be accessible sometime in the year 1940. They were okay with that at the time but then the Great Depression happened and they marched to Washington D.C demanding access to their paychecks early.
They were nicknamed The Bonus Army
General MacArthur commanded the infantry and Calvary to drive the Bonus marchers out of the capital. The belongings and shelters of the Bonus Army were burned.
The so-called "Bonus Army" marched to Washington DC in June, 1932 and many camped there until dispersed by the US Army on July 28, 1932. The group numbered as many as 43,000, about 17,000 veterans and 26,000 others including family members.
General Macarthur
Bonus March or Bonus Army is the name of massive (more than 10'000 people) crowd formed 17 June 1932 in Washington by the veterans of World War I. They demanded immediate payment of "bonus", which was promised to them by federal government during the war (to be paid in unprecised "future"). A month later, The March was dispersed by regular armed forces, and their camp destroyed.
The bonus puzzle solution was Famous Duo.
Hint: Bonus WorldBeat the game to unlock the Bonus World. The stages in this world are extra tough.
They usually call it a bonus, but it's definitely not required.
Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton, Jr.
good work - good work in the general or collective sense
Once you beat Heart of the Reich you will unlock the bonus mission.