See website: Battle of Midway
The battle of Gettysburg
John, Duke of Bedford was one, who acted as regent for the English Kingdom of France, won the battle of Vernuil and came very close to unifying the kingdoms of France and England under a single monarch. Another famous Knight would be Simon de Montfort who led the second barons revolt against Henry III, with the idea of establishing England as a republic.
Nearly 4000 people died in the battle but the most famous was Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson.
There were a series of battles during the Napoleonic Wars - the most famous are probably the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
The Battle of Verdun. It was in northern France, the city of Verdun-sur-Meuse and it was fought from February 21 to December 18 1916.
South Eastern France
Yes, it was quite a famous battle.
He helped negotiate the deal. France loved him and he was very famous there.
who are some famous people from Picardie, France? who are some famous people from Picardie, France?
The battle of Salamis, the battle of Thermopylae and the battle of Marathon is the famous battle in Greek.
Famous restauraunys in France are ratatullie and O'tte
Yes the Eiffel tower is famous in France.
Seine Riverloire loire is the famous river in France
the most famous activity in France is ski.
a most famous sculptor in France was Auguste Rodin.