Any nation that is at odds with the US, "might" cause a man to lose his citizenship if he joined a foreign military. When using the term "American", Canadians consider themselves to be (North) Americans.
To allow African Americans to join the Union military
While you are on active military duty, you CANNOT join a militia unit
Yes, the military can pay for your school. You will have to join the military and you will go to a military college but you will get a degree!
Americans felt that if they join the war they would be fighting for their country. many felt an obligation to join, or they were forced by drafts
Yes he\she can
Vote! and join or support the military.
The French Foreign Legion was established in 1831 and is a military service wing of the French Army. It was originally created for foreign nationals but also allows French nationals to join. The major ethnic groups are French, Eastern Europeans and Latin Americans.
You may not be able to join the official ranks of the French military, but you could possibly join the French Foreign legion. It's primarily made up of foreign nationals who want to serve in the military for (in this case) France. As far as I know, it's the only one of it's kind in the world.
US citizens may join the French Foreign Legion. Iran has peculiar citizenship laws which may not recognize a child born of Iranian parents (whether still Iranian citizens or naturalised US citizens) as a US citizen, and will require that child to perform compulsory military service when he reaches military age. However, most military forces of the world are not as prone to accepting foreign volunteers as the US military is.
They have allowed African Americans to join the military.
As early as the American Revolution and in all wars since.
you do you have to get lucky because it rare to join a foreign host!
thye oranized their own military to help the union.
Nearly one million.
George Canning
George Canning
thye oranized their own military to help the union.