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Penis is what you are looking for :p lol jk, the answer to this is: 13th Amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Tenure of Office Act

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Q: What group of actions by southern whites were reactions to the Reconstruction Acts?
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What Reconstruction plan did President Lincoln favor at the end of the Civil War?

President Lincoln seemed to favor self-Reconstruction by the states with little assistance from Washington. To appeal to poorer whites, he offered topardonall Confederates; to appeal to former plantation owners and southern aristocrats, he pledged to protect private property. Unlike Radical Republicans in Congress, Lincoln did not want to punish southerners or reorganize southern society. His actions indicate that he wanted Reconstruction to be a short process in which secessionist states could draft new constitutions as swiftly as possible so that the United States could exist as it had before. But historians can only speculate that Lincoln desired a swift reunification, for his assassination in 1865 cut his plans for Reconstruction short.Source- reconstruction.

In 1865 Southern whites defined freedom as?

In 1865 Southern whites defined freedom as controlling their future without northern interference

Demonstrate the extent to which southern whites were forced to accept regimes they did not want?

Southern whites were forced to accept the new status of recently freed slaves. After the Emancipation Proclamation, all slaves and indentured servants were free within the U.S. and the former C.S.A. This, however, meant that whites would now have to live, work, and pray alongside African Americans. While whites were being repatriated back into the U.S., the policy of reconstruction was brutal for them. Not only had they lost the war, they also lost their dignity and their Southern identities. To rebel against the new regimes, groups like the Ku Klux Klan were formed to keep blacks and the Federal government in fear.

To what extent were southern whites forced to accept for a time regimes they did not want?

since southern whites were mainly buddhist monks, many of them sacraficed precious time at their shrines in order to get to the fifth heaven.

What was the northern view on reconstruction?

The reconstruction, sometimes referred to as the Reconstruction Period, was a space of roughly five years following the American Civil War during which the reconstruction of the Union took place. This was accomplished through the use of legislative power, and military might via the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867. Considering it was predominantly the white Northerners pushing the Act, the overall view of reconstruction was favorable. However, a large majority of Southern whites despised the idea, and resented the action. In spite of this, the newly freed slaves comprised an equally large portion of the Southern populous, and it was due in part to their pleas for citizenship that the reconstruction even took place. Thus, it could be said that the South itself was divided on the issue.

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What label was given to southern whites who supported the reconstruction plan?

carpet baggers

What was the name given to Southern whites who supported the Republican policy throughout Reconstruction?

Some Southern whites saw an advantage in supporting the Republicans and the Reconstruction. They were referred to as scalawags.

What does Reconstruction mean to the Southern whites?

When them damned yanks came down and rubbed it in our faces.

Whose plan for post-Civil War Reconstruction was the best for Southern whites?

Ulysses S. Grant had the best reconstruction plan for the southern white people. The reconstruction era took place from 1865 to 1877.

What outcome of reconstruction most appealed to both southern blacks and whites?

the introduction of a tax-supported school system

Who benefited most Andrew Jackson's actions against native Americans?

southern whites

How did southern whites resist the reconstruction governments?

This question has not been answered yet. Please wait until it is answered. Thank you.

What outcome of reconstruction most likely appeal to both Southern blacks and whites?

the introduction of a tax-supported school system

Which outcome of reconstruction most likely appealed to both southern blacks and whites?

the introduction of a tax-supported school system

What did southern whites use to disenfranchise African American during reconstruction?

Poll taxes and literacy tests

What Southern democrat who became champion of poor whites?

Andrew Johnson (he was a Republican, but his actions said he was a Democrat)